I am a mother of 3 they are my life and my world and the reason I do everything that I do :)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Need Some Ideas.
Normally every year on Christmas Eve we just make cookies for Santa, and make sure house is cleaned for family to come over, well this year I was wanting to do other things besides this, to make Christmas Eve go by a little quicker for the kids and to make them a little more tired so we dont have as many problems with getting them to to bed.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Autumn in her Minnie Mouse Costume
Monday, August 16, 2010
Mamarazzi Monday:Back To School

This is my son and my nephew on their first day of school.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
What A Weekend
This Saturday we had a skating party for my 2 sons. It was a late birthday present from my brother in law. It was a great time, sadly I had to leave early due to I broke my wrist skating. The one who did the best was my 2 year old daughter surprise surprise! She even won the limbo contest! This was all 3 of my children's first time going skating they all did pretty well though. Pictures will be posted at all later time due to my hand is killing me just writing this post.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Mamarazzi Monday
Friday, July 30, 2010
I Heart Faces: Fix It Fridays
This is the first time I have done a "Fix It Friday." And what better picture to do this with than the great one himself, the Nature Boy Ric Flair! The dirtiest player in the game. No he is not my favorite wrestler but he is my husbands. But it was a grand experience just to meet him, and shake the hand of a leagand.

Thursday, July 29, 2010
I went and mowed the lawn at my mother in laws house that she has up for sale this morning. I decided to go over there about 7 o'clock this morning because it was supposed to get really hot. Well I was just mowing listening to my mp3 player when all of a sudden i have a women that lives next door jumping up and down so I turn off my mower and see what is her problem because frankly she looked like a crack head. She told me I better stop mowing because I am waking up her kids, well by this time it was about 8:15 and I was like I will stop mowing when I get done. She told me she was going to call the cops and I told her to go ahead and call them. She went inside and I started back up my mower and started mowing again. Then to no surprise there is 2 cop cars in the in the alley next to this house, and asking me what the problem is, and I told them, this women told me I better stop mowing the yard because I was waking up her kids. The cops then went next door and talked to this lady. I sat on the porch drinkin my bottle of water, and waited for the cops to come back. Well one cop came over and he looked very aggitated and the other cop was laughing so hard I thought he was going to pee his pants. Come to find out the kids she was talking about was 2 dogs!!!! And that her husband was inside crying because I woke up the dogs! Me and the cops couldnt figure out how she got that it was against the law to mow the yard and wake up 2 dogs. Moral of this story is there are some strange people in this world!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Another First, But Still Many More To Go
Wordless Wednesday: time for chores
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hoo Are you?

1. Do you sing in the shower or car when no one else is listening?
Actually yes i sing in the car all the time.
2. Do you have a nickname you go by now or growing up?
My grandmother use to call me Mandy Pandy
3. Do you speak another language?
No, but I want to learn French
4. Where is you favorite vacation spot?
St. Louis, MO
5. What do you cook the most for dinner?
spaghetti, seems to be the favorite in my family so thats what i make the most
Monday, July 26, 2010
What Do You Think?
Just this month, we celebrated my two sons birthday. Well as many might now these boys are not biologically mine, but I love them as they were mine. 2 days ago, mind you 19 days after the oldest birthday and 3 days after the youngest ones birthday their real mother decided to call them and tell them happy birthday. My oldest son did not want to talk to her I had to force him to talk, and when he got on the phone he told her, about the tattoo I had gotten of their names,that she does not love him and that I am his mommy. When I got back on the phone this is thrown up in my face, like I am the one who made him say this but truth is he is now 6 years old and he is realizing what is going on. Their mother has not been there for three years, she has not sent birthday cards Christmas cards nothing, and some how him feeling this way is my fault, not only that but she says I have no right to get their names tattooed on my body because they are her sons and not mine. Yes she may be right I did not give birth to them, but I am here every day. I am the one who is here when they get scared or they get sick. When they get a boo boo I am the one who kisses it to make it better. Not only her but everytime there is an argument in the family this is thrown up in my face by many people, thankfully not by my mother in law or brother in law. Sorry about the ranting but this has just been eating at me
After School Snacks
Does your child come home from school everyday and go right to the kitchen and say I'm hungry? If not feel lucky, every day after school last year my oldest son did this. So this year I am going to be very prepared, I am sitting down every week and writing a snack down for each weekday. Not only do I want them to get a little snack in while doing home work and not getting to full before dinner, I also want them to eat healthy. I am very lucky that my children absolutely love fruits. So far I have a few after school snacks such has.
- strawberry with homemade cream cheese dip
- bananas and chocolate pudding
- mixed fruit cups
- yougurt
- cheese and crackers
Back To School
With August almost here, my boys are getting very excited as they get to go back to school. My oldest will be entering the 1st grade, and my youngest boy will be entering kidnergarden, and he is very excited about it. I recently got the school lists from our local walmart to see where my budget needs to be with school supplies and school clothing. We are very lucky that we get the school tax day here in Illinois, where August 6th through August 15th, there is no tax on school items and clothing on purcheses under 100.00, so how to pull of getting everything I need at one time for both children under 100.00?
1. get the generic crayons, markers, siccors, pencils, erasers, ect. they are just has good as the name brand and also you can get more for the price you get the more expensice ones for.
2. for clothing, my youngest gets lucky and gets all the old clothing from my oldest son, well the ones that are not too worn out. for more clothing i shop thrift!
3.shoes we buy them right before summer when they are on sale. we always buy them a little big so they have room to grow.
this is my list, how does yours look?
Mamarazzi Monday
I Heart Faces:Purple Photo Challenge Week 30
Friday, July 23, 2010
Hoo are you?
1. Have you ever broke a bone or anything on your body?
long time ago i broke my big toe
2. What is your favorite drink?
sweet tea
3. When is your birthday! You don't have to tell the year you were born!
December 16,1986
4. Do you have an allergies?
5. What is one of your all time favorite movies?
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Outdoor Wednesday
Way Back Wednesday
Wordless Wednesday:Birthday Boy
This is my little boy the first night that I met him, he is not my biological son but I am the only mommy in his life and its been that way for 3 years now. Only 1 almost 2 in this picture.

And this is my little birthday boy now! Can't believe how big he has gotten and how smart he is. He is mommys little boy and I love him very much! And here he is 4 days before he turned 5!
Happy birthday lil man mommy loves you very much!
Monday, July 19, 2010
Mamarazzi Monday: Birthday Party
Friday, July 9, 2010
Surfin Saturdays
Welcome to the first official Surfin' Saturday hosted by Chubby Cheeks Thinks, Two Monkeys & a Washtub, and And Then There Were Four! Each week we will be surfin' a different social network. You will have to check back every Saturday to see where we will be! One week it may be a facebook hop and then the next an email hop! It will be lots of fun and you will get to meet new people and see old friends as well!
We kindly ask that you follow these 3 simple rules
We kindly ask that you follow these 3 simple rules
- Follow the hostesses in the first three spots
- Please only link up the network that is being hopped that specific week. So for facebook, you would link your facebook page.
- Absolutely no spam or online stores. These will all be removed.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Happy Birthday Sadie Ladie
Friday, July 2, 2010
Five Question Friday!!

1. What is one thing you miss the most about childhood?
the carefree days with no worries, no DRAMA
2. Are you still friends with your friends from high school?
just a few
3. Is there a catch phrase, cliche, or word that just drives you bonkers every time you hear it?
how do you like me now?
4. What is one thing that you think symbolizes America...besides "Old Glory"?
Statue of Liberty
5. What are your 4th of July weekend plans?
Tonight we are going to see the fireworks in another town, Saturday we are cooking out and having a little swimming party, and Sunday my 3 children are going to spend the day with my mother and father, and my husband and I are going to a St. Louis Cardinals game(even though we are Cub fans, my hometown team is their opponites) and then we are coming home and spending the rest of the time with our children.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wordless Wednesday
Outdoor Wednesday
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