Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wordless Wednesday

Outdoor Wednesday
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
CSNstores.com Review + $80 Gift Certificate Give Away
CSNstores.com Review + $80 Gift Certificate {Giveaway}
I've always been impressed with CSNstores. They have such a variety of things from headboards to mailboxes to strollers to shoes. And I've learned that they are adding more things all the time.
I will be giving away an $80.00 gift certificate to CSN. There are so many things that you could get for that much. Here are some things that I like just to give you a few ideas:
A KitchenAid Cookware Cast Iron 4.5 Quart Covered Round Dutch Oven in Garnet- It's so pretty, and every time I see The Pioneer Woman using a Dutch oven I wish I had one.

Chicco Four in One Ride-On Car- This would be perfect for my two little nephews very soon. Fun!

Or how about a Uniflame 24" Black Fire Bowl w/Foldable Legs- How fun would this be to have friends over or take it along to their house for the upcoming weekend holiday celebrations.

South Show Sand Castle Nightstand in Sunny Pine- It's a great nightstand that would go well in any bedroom, plus they have other colors and varieties similar too.

Whatever you like, I know there is something for everyone with CSN. And lucky for you, you'll have lots of chances to win the gift certificate. Read all the rules and ways on entry below.
Buy It: All of the items featured here are available from a variety of CSNstores.
Win It: There is an $80.00 CSN gift certificate up for grabs.
Oh No He Didnt Tuesdays
Welcome to “OH NO HE DIDN’T” TUESDAY, a super awesome blog carnival created by Kristi at Live and Love…Out Loud. Click on over to her blog to find out what made her and everyone else stop and say “OH NO HE DIDN’T!”
My husband and myself and my mother in law decided to take a vacation to Disney World and Universal Studios this September and October. As we already have the money put back. For we have already booked our hotel and just have to buy tickets now. While everyone knows that this is what this money is for, and how much my children are looking forward to it, a friend of mine calls me out of the blue, makes small talk for about 30 minutes then he ask hey can I borrow $20.00 til Thursday I need cigarettes and some beer. I tell him we only have enough for my husbands gas money for work til he gets paid next. He gets quiet for a moment then he pops the big question, can't you just take it out of your vacation money? Well that just pissed me off, this guy is supposed to be like my brother. My children call him their uncle and he stayed at the hospital with me the night my daughter was born. So I just let him have it, and let him know how much he has really upset me. He tells me its no reason to get upset and hangs up on me. So of course I figure that's the end of that, but not even 5 minutes later he calls me back and asks "So can I?" my reply was..."Oh no you didn't!!!" and hung up the phone!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Top Ten (Tuesday)Reflecting On My Grandmother On Her Birthday

This Weekend I...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Wordless Wednesday:New Baby
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Oh No He Didnt Tuesdays

Welcome to “OH NO HE DIDN’T” TUESDAY, a super awesome blog carnival created by Kristi at Live and Love…Out Loud. Click on over to her blog to find out what made her and everyone else stop and say “OH NO HE DIDN’T!”
Monday, June 14, 2010
Fathers Day
Stepfathers are no less than those of blood:
The spirit is more comely than the flesh.
Equally, two mysteries might mesh,
Paired by nature or by neighborhood
Fathers are defined by how they love,
And not by how they multiply or breed.
Though you did not supply the primal seed,
How you've loved me does your kinship prove.
Each child must turn when life's too hard to bear,
Regarding someone's arms or empty air.
So do I turn, and always you are there.
To me you are a
Priceless commodity
A wealth of wisdom
You've been to me
If I have thoughts
I need to share
Always I know
That you will care
I always enjoy the things
We do together
When done with you
They’re always better
You always have
An open mind
A better stepdad
I could never find
Saturday, June 12, 2010
6 Word Saturday